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Create resume alert when a candidate matches the criteria

You do not have enough time to constantly update potential candidates for the company's vacancies, understanding this problem, CareerViet has built a feature to create notices for candidates in two ways. extremely simple:


A. Create an announcement with the candidate selection criteria you are looking for at the search results page you are working on


Step 1: After searching for candidates, click "Save as email resume alert".

Step 2: Enter the setup name and choose when to send the email


Step 3: Save settings


Intruction video:


B. Create notifications from search history

Step 1: Go to the candidate search history, if you don't know how to enter this section, visit here.

Step 2: Click "Resume Alert"

Step 3: Fill in the information in the available form and click save


Intruction video:


C. Create your own notifications


Step 1: Log in to your "Employer" account and click "Email auto settings"


Step 2: Select the box "Resume alert" and click "Create resume alert"


Step 3: Fill in the information in the available form and click save.


Note: You can create up to 10 resume alerts and you can set to receive 3 alert emails at a time.


Intruction video:

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