LocationSố 21/15/10, Đường Trường Sơn, P. 4, Q. Tân Bình
Company Information
- Field of operations: Joint Stock
- Website:
Số 21/15/10, Đường Trường Sơn, P. 4, Q. Tân Bình
BMT is an organization, built and developed based on a solid staff, professional, enthusiastic, passionate technology and have a lot of experience in management, design and implementation of IT systems big in Vietnam. Our criterion in business activity is becoming the product provider solutions and the best service to customers. Because we understand that, in order to provide a better solution for the customer, the service must be good to optimize the technology and equipment that customers invest in service business.
BMT has always put customers' interests first and we believe that in order to do that we must have people who have the knowledge, skills and good sense to maintain the trust of our customers. During operation, the BMT always build relationships with reputable partners, technology manufacturers in the world's top help BMT always equipped and updated technologies, solutions and advanced equipment to serve customers in the best way.
BMT has always considered the human factor is the most important factor, the key people in the organization do so valuable brand, the identity of a company, because the key factor is the direct implementation of and work closely with our customers to achieve optimum efficiency.
We are currently providing equipment and IT services for offices, factories, businesses, multinational corporations, financial institutions, insurance, banking, securities, etc ... on the head Vietnam.
Providing Solutions & Services Security.
Providing Solutions & Services Networking.
Providing Solutions & Services Storage.
Providing Solutions & Services Data Backup.
Providing Solutions & Software Services Imprint.
Providing Service ContactCenter.
Providing Integrated Services DataCenter.
Provide Video Conference Service.
Provide Maintenance Services System
Providing Extended Warranty Service System.
Provide other services such as: Helpdesk, Support onsite 8x5x4, 8x5xNBD, 24x7x4.