Gyalpozhing College of IT, Royal University of Bhutan

Gyalpozhing College of IT, Royal University of Bhutan


Gyelposhing PO 43002, Gyalpozhing

Company Information
  • Company size: 100-499

About us

GCIT officially inaugurated on 6th October 2017 is one of the integral colleges of the Royal University of Bhutan. The college is 24 kilometres away from Mongar town stretching an area of 62 acres of land engulfed by lush green mountains. The university is one of the three new colleges established in Eastern Bhutan with the vision to be the Center of Excellence in Information Technology. The college is actively looking for teaching professionals to join their institution and nurture students’ potential for life, work and world readiness. GCIT offers a flexible and innovative working environment that is committed to technological social progress. The teaching roles will contribute to module delivery, development and pedagogical innovation for a lively teaching environment.
