
Imagine you are at work and the answer is your characteristics at work.

Read carefully the 4 answers in each sentence and CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS right for you according to the following principles:

  • Which point will like you the most at your work? >>> C Choose only 1 answer in column MOST
  • Which point will few varieties You excel when working? >>> Choose only 1 answer in column LEAST

Each answer can only choose MOST or LEAST.

TOPSKILLS encourages you to focus on completing the test set 24 questions this within max 7 minutes,to increase the accuracy of the results!

Now let's get started!

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The DISC assessment is a powerful tool in various fields such as human resources management, recruitment, and personal development. So, how does DISC influence the determination of one's personality and behavior? How does nature affect each individual's career choices? In the following article from CareerViet, a job search and recruitment website, let's explore more information.

What is DISC ?

DISC is an acronym for 4 personality groups that are: Dominance – Influence – Steadiness – Compliance.

The DISC assessment is a questionnaire that helps evaluate behavior and personality traits based on the DISC theory developed by psychologist William Moulton Marston. It typically takes between 5 to 10 minutes to complete. The result of the assessment is a DISC profile chart, which provides insights into behavioral tendencies, actions, and interactions with the surrounding environment. Additionally, the DISC assessment enables individuals to understand others better, enhancing communication effectiveness and making conversations more comfortable without feeling restricted.

Explore the 12 combined personality types of DISC:

From the above four personality types, they can be divided into 12 combined personality types as follows:

  • Challenger (DC): They dislike chaos, are decisive, and enjoy completing tasks. They feel most comfortable in leadership positions, leading and guiding teams.
  • Winner (D): This type of person is dominant, and decisions are often made right from the start. They are focused on inspiring others and can become excellent leaders.
  • Seeker (DI): They are pioneers who find happiness in achieving success through challenges. This group of people may feel disappointed if they rest on their laurels and tend to encourage others to be creative.
  • Risk Taker (ID): They are full of new ideas and take bold leaps in life. They are open to exploring ideas from all levels, including the basic ones.
  • Enthusiast (I): They are passionate about activities and the people around them, spreading positive energy to everyone. This group of people is often highly regarded and beloved by many.
  • Friend (IS): They are always ready to listen and empathize with friends and colleagues. They are confident, approachable, and often work in central positions within a group.
  • Collaborator (SI): They are team connectors who know how to empathize and listen to others, helping them gather people to work effectively as a team.
  • Mediator (S): They are trusted individuals who bridge the gap and resolve conflicts between people. They are skilled at bringing people together and finding peaceful resolutions.
  • Technician (SC): They may not necessarily excel in technology, but they are logical and understand the business operations of an enterprise.
  • Foundation Builder (CS): They are highly reliable individuals who avoid conflicts but do not shirk their responsibilities..
  • Analyst (C): Individuals in this group are easily drawn to details. They may spend considerable time seeking perfection and can be meticulous in their approach.
  • Perfectionist (CD): This group of people is detail-oriented and decisive in their approach.

How to read a DISC chart

When completing the DISC assessment, the results will provide three charts, each describing a specific aspect of the test taker:

  • The Inner Graph describes the personality "from within" and how you express yourself when feeling comfortable. It also indicates the level of stress and limitations you may encounter.
  • The Outer Graph describes your behaviors for adapting to the current circumstances. This graph represents how you modify or adjust your behavior based on the external environment, such as changes in your job, living location, or significant life events.
  • The Summary Graph combines information from both the Inner Graph and the Outer Graph to provide an overview and evaluation of your actual behavior.

The importance of the DISC test

For Personal

By taking the DISC test, you will be able to:

  • Raise awareness about yourself and your abilities and interests
  • Know how you will react when there is a conflict
  • Understand what keeps you motivated
  • Know the reason for your stress
  • Know how you approach and solve problems
  • Discover how you make decisions for different situations
  • Know the direction to adjust your style to be more in harmony with the people around
  • Mentally ready for the DISC test when going to the interview.
  • Develop actionable strategies to inspire engagement in your workgroup
  • Provide direction for developing relationships and leadership skills
  • Develop business and sales skills by knowing how to adjust behavior
  • Manage employees more effectively as a leader

For Employers

The DISC personality assessment is considered a top-notch tool for recruiters because it helps in several ways::

  • Accurately assess the personality and behavior of each candidate.
  • Score candidates on communication ability and teamwork ability.
  • Identify candidates' ability to adapt to the working environment and company culture.
  • Anticipate how candidates will respond to potential conflicts.
  • Building a friendly, cohesive, and healthy working environment.

Note before taking the DISC

  • The results of the DISC personality test in particular and other psychological tests in general will only be relative.
  • People over 20 when taking the DISC test will get more accurate results than younger people.
  • Prepare a device with an internet connection, take enough time to read the question carefully, and give the answer.
  • Focus and give the most honest answer.
  • Keeping the DISC test objective, don't choose answers thinking "it looks better".
  • Chỉ nên làm 1 bài trắc nghiệm DISC trong một ngày để tránh kết quả sẽ sai lệch.
  • Be objective with your test results and be lenient with yourself. The DISC test only reflects how you will react to your environment and behavioral tendencies, it does not show that you are superior or inferior to others..

Based on the article from CareerViet, you have been provided with information about the DISC personality assessment and its importance in life. Hopefully, with the DISC test above, you can better understand what DISC is and gain a more objective insight into your personality and behavior. This understanding can help you make better-informed decisions when it comes to choosing a suitable job and pursuing personal growth and development.


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