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Ho Chi Minh
Mechanical / Auto / Automotive , Architect , Civil / Construction
Over 10 Mil VND
Over 2 Years
Experienced (Non - Manager)
Evaluate and calculate the structural load-bearing capacity of factories for solar rooftop construction projects.
Design simple factories and propose construction methods.
Develop structural construction drawings and methods for projects.
Propose and prepare structural solutions in line with current standards and company regulations.
Possess a strong understanding of structural analysis.
Collaborate with other teams to accomplish common tasks.
Take direct responsibility for tasks related to the Structural Team.
Develop, calculate, design, and manage structural systems for projects.
Oversee projects, including conceptual design, technical design, construction drawings, and quantity of drawings.
Perform other tasks as assigned by the department head.
Age: 22 to 35 years old.
Graduated from university with a major in Civil and Industrial Engineering.
Minimum of 2 years of experience in a related position; experience working for a renewable energy company is an advantage.
Basic knowledge of BIM.
Good communication skills in English.
Experienced in developing construction drawings and shop drawings for factories and projects.
Benefits as per company policy (social insurance, paid leave, public holidays, etc.).
Opportunities for promotion and working in a dynamic environment.
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