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Ho Chi Minh
Retail / Wholesale , Sales / Business Development , Household / Personal Care
2 - 5 Years
Experienced (Non - Manager)
Develop brand layout & product position at store level, from new & existing store based on historical, demands of customer needs, and market trends.
Develop layout for highlighted tables according to monthly campaign and stock level.
Identify potential brand/products and display volume for each stores' type.
Develop & manage implementation of process In Out brand until product level.
Manage plan & execution of displaying for near expired, slow moving, and overstock.
Ensure excellent operational display & stock for new store opening.
Partner with Commerce team to integrate merchandising, promotion and activation plans for offline stores
Bachelor Degree in any fields
Having experience of min. 2 years in layout & planogram or visual merchandising
Having knowledge in Retail industry
Good communication, problem solving, and negotiation skills
Proficient in Microsoft applications especially Excel
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Space & Range Specialist
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