Công Ty TNHH CTC Việt Nam

Công Ty TNHH CTC Việt Nam

Địa điểm

Tòa nhà Yoco, số 41, đường Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, Phường Bến Nghé, Quận 1

Thông tin công ty

Giới thiệu về công ty

CTC is the worldwide footwear, leather goods and leather expert with 100 years of experience in assisting suppliers, manufacturers and retailers to improve quality. For   20 years CTC VIETNAM benefits this knowhow and  performs  inspections,  audits  and  laboratory  testing  for  footwear, leather good, luggage and textile in   Vietnamese factories. CTC VIETNAM developed an expertise that will secure all our orders everywhere in Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia.

Business category: Providing services of laboratory analysis and inspection of leather products,
footwear and textiles; Inspecting materials and finished products, such as decorative items, home appliances, and products made of wood, metal, plastic and composite; Verifying and collecting figures and providing instructions and technical support to enterprises, including: verifying environmental conditions of production activities; verifying work, labor, hygiene and safety conditions in factories; Providing instructions and technical support pertaining to the above.

Employees in Vietnam: 15
