DFS VietNam Limited Liability Company
DFS VietNam Limited Liability Company

DFS VietNam Limited Liability Company

Địa điểm

Lầu 5, Tòa nhà Sasco, Số 45, Đường Trường Sơn, Phường 2, Quận Tân Bình, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

Thông tin công ty
  • Loại hình hoạt động: 100% vốn nước ngoài
  • Website: https://www.dfs.com

Giới thiệu về công ty

-DFS is a global retailer focus on customer desiring exceptional luxury product, our vision is Exceptional People delivering Exceptional Product.

-DFS Management commitment: Finding the right People, developing and nurturing their career.

-We have more than 7000 Employees in our offices, DFS Gallerias, airport shops & other stores. Corporate headquarter is based in Hong Kong, the global merchandising team in San Francisco, Hong Kong & Paris and both Global Finance & Information Technology in Singapore

-DFS operates in over 15 countries around the world. Some of our global locations includes: Abu Dhabi, Australia, Bali, Beijing, Guam, Hainan, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Mumbai, New Zealand, Okinawa, Palau, Saipan, Singapore, U.S Mainland and Vietnam.

Hình ảnh công ty
