Tập Đoàn Scavi

Tập Đoàn Scavi

Địa điểm

14, Đường 19A, KCN Biên Hòa II, Biên Hòa, Đồng Nai

Thông tin công ty
  • Loại hình hoạt động: 100% vốn nước ngoài
  • Website: www.scavi.com.vn

Giới thiệu về công ty

SCAVI is a leader in the underwear market. Our company is not only a fashioning company but a service company which follows customers on the long term partnership, proposing unique fitting and shop delivery services. SCAVI belongs ID the CORELE International French group which includes also the luxury underwear brand: Corele. The CORELE International group was established from 22 years in Vietnam. Today our group represents 10,000 persons with foir factories in Vietnam and one in Laos. We work for the major famous brand in Europe and USA.
