Vận chuyển / Giao nhận / Kho vận , Xuất nhập khẩu , Dệt may / Da giày / Thời trang
Nhân viên chính thức
Cạnh tranh
Mới tốt nghiệp
- Checking documents
- Contact with our forwarder to get quotation, & shipping schedule
- Follow up import shipment
- Create online bill for shipments via courier (DHL Express, Fedex, UPS, 247 Express)
- Place booking for pick up the package in domestic
- Co-operate with other department to get information about the export shipment
- Create INV & PKL draft
- Create export documents in ERP
- Sending shipping docs for relevant team
- Check DN and make payment document for both import/export
Have knowledge about logistics, import - export.
Language skill: English (reading - writing); Can communicate in English is a plus.
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