Địa điểm

Hồ Chí Minh

  • Lương

    Cạnh tranh

  • Kinh nghiệm

    10 - 15 Năm

  • Cấp bậc

    Giám đốc

  • Hết hạn nộp


Phúc lợi

  • Laptop
  • Chế độ bảo hiểm
  • Du Lịch
  • Phụ cấp
  • Chế độ thưởng
  • Chăm sóc sức khỏe
  • Tăng lương
  • Công tác phí
  • Nghỉ phép năm

Mô tả Công việc

Our client is a company operating a chain of Building Materials & Furniture stores. Due to business expansion needs, we are seeking a talented candidate for the position of Online Business Director, with job details as follows:

Planning and Managing E-commerce Business Activities:

  • Develop and implement short-term, mid-term, and long-term marketing strategies to build, promote, and enhance the image and products of the company across various media channels to drive e-commerce business effectiveness.
  • Manage and develop plans to expand the existing online marketing channels of the Group, such as the website, sales app, Facebook, and other social media platforms.
  • Plan and develop the expansion of e-commerce channels on popular platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, and TikTok.
  • Develop sales promotion activities on online channels such as flash sales, hot deals, vouchers, etc.
  • Plan and execute online sales sessions (livestream) on platforms like TikTok Shop, Shopee, Facebook, Youtube, etc.
  • Develop and implement a strategy to collaborate with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and Key Opinion Consumers (KOC) to optimize brand impact and enhance brand performance.

Marketing Budget Management and Brand Recognition Enhancement:

  • Establish marketing budgets, allocate and effectively utilize media channels such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads, etc., to enhance brand recognition and increase sales.
  • Strengthen and maintain brand recognition on e-commerce platforms.
  • Optimize product descriptions, information, and images to ensure brand presence.
  • Measuring the Effectiveness of Marketing Campaigns:
  • Track and measure the effectiveness of both paid and unpaid marketing campaigns.
  • Regularly evaluate and analyze performance to devise strategies for optimizing communication programs and promotions to increase sales and brand development.
  • Collect statistics, analyze, and report the effectiveness of each livestream session.

Training and Team Management:

  • Establish and develop the E-commerce team.
  • Train, coach, and guide team members to perform daily activities effectively on the e-commerce platform.
  • Establish a system of KPIs to evaluate the effectiveness of the department/ team's work.
  • Other tasks will be assgned by BOD

Yêu Cầu Công Việc

  • Bachelor's degree or higher in Marketing, Communications, Business Administration, or related fields.
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in the position of E-commerce Director or equivalent positions.
  • Experience in online marketing and e-commerce business, specializing in E-commerce.
  • Experience in building and managing stores on e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, Tiktok shop, etc.
  • Candidates familiar with the operation, development, and management of TikTok channels are advantageous.
  • Proficient in knowledge of laws related to e-commerce.
  • Possess management, planning, organization, operation, training, and customer service skills.
  • Alignment with the core values of the Company.

Thông tin khác

  • Bằng cấp: Đại học
  • Độ tuổi: Không giới hạn tuổi
  • Lương: Cạnh tranh
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